Chart on How to Dye Red Velvet Box Mix a Blue Color

Often times, we have to deal with primary colors to achieve the desired tie dye shade that we want. That's why, in this article, we'll cover almost all of the shades with their dyeing recipes. With their dye colour mixing chart, you'll be able to achieve any shade that you want on the best t shirts to tie dye.
We'll give you a little bit of basic info first, then we'll get into our main topic.
Let's get started!

What is Color

First things first, the simplest definition is what our eyes see when an object reflects light is color. There is another tough definition, but I think knowing that is also important.

According to the Committee on Colorimetry of the Optical Society of America,

Color is the general name for all sensations arising from the activity of the retina of the eye and its attached nervous mechanisms, this activity being, in nearly every case in the normal individual, a specific response to radiant energy of certain wavelength and intensity.

What is Color Mixing

For practical applications, there are three primary colors available, i.e., red, yellow, and blue, as the human eye is trichromatic. They are mixed to create the other available colors. Three secondary colors, green, orange, and violet, are also available. They are created by combining two of the primary colors. Any of the colors can be produced by the primary colors by addition or subtraction between them.

Additive Color Mixing

Additive a and Subtractive b Color

Additive [a] and Subtractive [b] Color Mixing

Here, a is additive color mixing, and b is subtractive color mixing. In additive color mixing,

Red+Green = Yellow

Green+Blue = Cyan

Blue+ Red = Magenta

Red+Green+Blue = White

Subtractive Color Mixing

And in subtractive color mixing,

White-Red = Cyan

White-Green = Magenta

White-Blue = Yellow

When we see the color books or in exact the Pantone book, we see a massive number of colors. But they are not pure colors. Most of the dyes have five to twenty colors, but the other colors can be made by combining the available colors.

If you mix pure colors, you will get clear, bright, and pretty results than mixing the existing mixtures. Purple gives more sparkling results when it is made by mixing pure fuchsia and pure turquoise rather than making it by the combination of red and turquoise.

Sometimes pure colors show the same effect. The effect of using a combination of pure yellow and pure red will be quite the same as a dye which absorbs light in both yellow and red region of the spectrum. A wintery palette is made by the darkish blue when they are substituted for the clearer blues, and an autumnal palette is created by the orangish-yellow when they are replaced for the clearer yellows. The produced colors will be subtle and less bright.

Self Shades of Some Common Commercial Dyes

(100% Cotton)

Just go over these shades for getting a general idea. The dye that you're going to buy will also come with a self shade. If not, check the manufacturer's website. You'll surely find one. Then, you should adjust the dye percentage accordingly. For example, if the red dye that you've got is less yellowish than the ones used in the recipes below, then just increase the proportion of yellow.

Transparent Test

Avitera Cardinal SE

Transparent Test

Transparent Test

Remazol Ultra Yellow RGB

Transparent Test

Sunfix Yellow SS

Transparent Test

Bikiactive Yellow K3RS

Transparent Test

Transparent Test

Syno Yellow HF4GL

Transparent Test

Avitera Red SE

Transparent Test

Syno Red HF3B

Transparent Test

Transparent Test

Remazol Ultra Red RGB

Transparent Test

Sunfix Red SS

Transparent Test

Bikiactive Red K3BS

Transparent Test

Bezactive Red GO

Transparent Test

Transparent Test

Syno. Bri. Blue RSLP

Transparent Test

Syno Blue KBR

Transparent Test

Levafix Blue CA

Transparent Test

Bikiactive Turquoise HFG

Transparent Test

Transparent Test

Bezactive Navy GO

Transparent Test

Remazol Ultra N/Blue RGB

Transparent Test

Sunfix Navy SS

Transparent Test

Avitera Deep Sea SE

Dye Colour Mixing Chart with Pantone No. and H&M Color Code

Dyeing Quarry Shade

Quarry Color Dyeing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
06-105 Leva Yellow CA 0.074 0.268 G. Salt 15
Leva Red CA-N 0.044 Soda Ash 8
Leva Blue CA 0.15

Dyeing Forged Iron Shade

19 3907 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
08-112 Rema UL. Yellow RGB 0.92 2.9 G. Salt 60
Rema UL. Red RGB 0.58 Soda Ash 5
Rema UL. N/Blue RGB 1.4 Caustic 1.5

Dyeing Moonbeam Shade

13 0000 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
12-225 Levafix Yellow CA 0.031 0.0666 G. Salt 10
Levafix Red CA-N 0.0166 Soda Ash 6
Levafix Blue CA 0.019

Dyeing Pink Tint Shade

12 1404 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
12-327 Leva Yellow CA 0.035 0.062 G. Salt 10
Leva Red CA-N 0.0146 Soda Ash 6
Leva Blue CA 0.0124

Dyeing Macadamia Shade

12 0709 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
12-334 Levafix Yellow CA 0.03663 0.05 10
Levafix Red CA-N 0.00786 Soda Ash 6
Levafix Blue CA 0.00515

Dyeing Cornstalk Shade

16 1315 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
13-118 Levafix Yellow CA 0.294 0.48 G. Salt 15
Levafix Red CA-N 0.09476 Soda Ash 6
Levafix Blue CA 0.093

Dyeing Lark Shade

16 1324 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
13-120 Leva Yellow CA 0.37 0.524 G. Salt 25
Levafix Red CA-N 0.084 Soda Ash 15
Levafix Blue CA 0.07

Dyeing Fungi Shade

17 1212 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
16-103 Bikiactive Yellow K3RS 0.33 0.78 G. Salt 25
Bikiactive Red K3BS 0.16189 Soda Ash 15
Syno Blue KBR 0.29

Dyeing Cobblestone Shade

16 1407 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
16-108 Levafix Yellow CA 0.1827 0.36 G. Salt 15
Levafix Red CA-N 0.08 Soda Ash 8
Levafix Blue CA 0.1

Dyeing Rubber Shade

18 0933 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
18-109 Avitera Yellow SE 1.8 2.46 G. Salt 35
Avitera Red SE 0.3654 Soda Ash 18
Avitera Blue SE 0.2904

Dyeing Deep Lichen Green Shade

18 0312 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
19-205 Rema Ult. Yellow RGB 0.69 1.29 G. Salt 35
Rema Ult. Red RGB 0.12 Soda Ash 18
Rema Ult. N/Blue RGB 0.48

Dyeing Yolk Yellow Shade

14 0846 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
25-203 Bikiactive Yellow K3RS 0.95 0.98 G. Salt 35
Levafix Red CA-N 0.01425 Soda Ash 18
Levafix Blue CA 0.0114

Dyeing Golden Rod Shade

14 0951 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
25-209 Bikiactive Yellow K3RS 2 2.03 G. Salt 50
Bikiactive Red K3BS 0.001 Soda Ash 5
Levafix Blue CA 0.03 Caustic 1.5

Dyeing Spicy Mustard Shade

14 0952 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
25-217 Bikiactive Yellow K3RS 0.9 0.92 G. Salt 25
Bikiactive Red K3BS 0.00054 Soda Ash 15
Syno Blue KBR 0.02418

Dyeing Lemon Chrome Shade

13 0859 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
25-312 Syno Yellow HF4GL 2.4155 2.44 G. Salt 50
Bikiactive Red K3BS 0.02511 Soda Ash 5
Syno Blue KBR 0.000102 Caustic 1.5

Dyeing Sudan Brown Shade

18 1160 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
29-305 Rema Ult. Yellow RGB 2.3 2.64 G. Salt 60
Rema Ult. Red RGB 0.2418 Soda Ash 5
Rema Ult. N/Blue RGB 0.095 Caustic 1.5

Dyeing Peach Cobbler Shade

14 1231 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
34-204 Leva Yellow CA 0.22 0.2781 G. Salt 15
Levafix Red CA-N 0.058 Soda Ash 8
Levafix Blue CA 0.0001

Dyeing Misty Rose Shade

15 1512 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
37-113 Levafix Yellow CA 0.0749 0.17 G. Salt 15
Levafix Red CA-N 0.06741 Soda Ash 8
Levafix Blue CA 0.02354

Dyeing Peach Pearl Shade

14 1419 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
37-205 Biki Yellow K3RS 0.063 0.11855 G. Salt 15
Syno Red HF3B 0.055 Soda Ash 8
Leva Blue CA 0.00055

Dyeing Peach Melba Shade

14 1418 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
37-206 Levafix Yellow CA 0.04 0.07 G. Salt 10
Levafix Red CA-N 0.02976 Soda Ash 6
Levafix Blue CA 0.000332

Dyeing Desert Flower Shade

15 1435 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
37-308 Bikiactive Yellow K3RS 0.17 0.36 G. Salt 15
Syno Red HF3B 0.19 Soda Ash 8
Syno Blue KBR 0.0009

Dyeing Camellia Shade

16 1541 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
38-303 Bikiactive Yellow K3RS 0.5 0.96 G. Salt 25
Syno Red HF3B 0.46 Soda Ash 15
Syno. Blue KBR 0.00008

Dyeing Vermillion Orange Shade

16 1362 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
38-306 Avitera Br. Scarlet SE 2 2.0665 G. Salt 50
Avitera Yellow SE 0.065 Soda Ash 5
Avitera Blue SE 0.0015 Caustic 1.5

Dyeing Living Coral Shade

16 1546 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
38-315 Nova Scarlet FN-6G 0.6 0.6673 G. Salt 25
Avitera Red SE 0.065 Soda Ash 15
Avitera Blue SE 0.0023

Dyeing Chili Shade

18 1448 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
39-303 Rema UL. Yellow RGB 1.32 2.24 G. Salt 50
Rema UL. Red RGB 0.9 Soda Ash 5
Leva Blue CA 0.02 Caustic 1.5

Dyeing Shade

18 1561 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
39-313 Nova Bri. Scarlet FN-6G 5 5.3036 G. Salt 90
Avitera Red SE 0.3 Soda Ash 5
Avitera Blue SE 0.0036 Caustic 2

Dyeing Deep Sea Coral Shade

18 1649 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
41-201 Novs Scarlet FN6G 1.1 1.3036 G. Salt 35
Avitera Red SE 0.19 Soda Ash 18
Avitera Blue SE 0.0136

Dyeing Hibiscus Shade

18 1762 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
44-304 Avitera Br. Scarlet SE 1.302 2.31 G. Salt 60
Avitera Red SE 1.012 Soda Ash 5
Avitera Blue SE 0.00072 Caustic 1.5

Dyeing Chinese Red Shade

18 1663 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
45-304 Avitera Yellow SE 0.968 6.17 G. Salt 90
Avitera Red SE 3.404 Soda Ash 5
Avitera Br. Scarlet SE 1.8 Caustic 2

Dyeing Salsa Shade

18 1657 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
45-309 Avitera Yellow SE 4 10.01 G. Salt 90
Avitera Red SE 6 Soda Ash 5
Avitera Blue SE 0.01 Caustic 2

Dyeing Racing Red Shade

19 1763 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
45-320 Avitera Br. Scarlet SE 3.3 5.3 G. Salt 90
Avitera Red SE 2 Soda Ash 5
Caustic 2

Dyeing Sun-Dried Tomato Shade

19 1531 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
46-212 Avitera Red SE 0.75 6.48 G. Salt 90
Avitera Cardinal SE 5.3 Soda Ash 5
Avitera Blue SE 0.43 Caustic 2

Dyeing Chili Pepper Shade

19 1557 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
46-304 Avitera Red SE 2.7 7.35 G. Salt 90
Avitera Cardinal SE 4.5 Soda Ash 5
Avitera Blue SE 0.15 Caustic 2

Dyeing Rhubarb Shade

19 1652 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
46-314 Avitera Red SE 4.5 9.74 G. Salt 90
Avitera Cardinal SE 4.6 Soda Ash 5
Avitera Blue SE 0.64 Caustic 2

Dyeing Pink Dogwood Shade

12 1706 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
51-113 Leva Yellow CA 0.009 0.0218 G. Salt 10
Leva Red CA-N 0.0106 Soda Ash 6
Leva Blue CA 0.0022

Dyeing Lotus Shade

14 1905 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
51-128 Levafix Yellow CA 0.022748 0.06 G. Salt 10
Levafix Red CA-N 0.028 Soda Ash 6
Levafix Blue CA 0.0077

Dyeing Bridal Rose Shade

15 1611 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
51-206 Leva Yellow CA 0.065 0.1774 G. Salt 15
Leva Red CA-N 0.1 Soda Ash 8
Leva Blue CA 0.0124

Dyeing Strawberry Ice Shade

16 1720 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
52-206 Levafix Yellow CA 0.1 0.29 G. Salt 15
Levafix Red CA-N 0.19 Soda Ash 8
Levafix Blue CA 0.003825

Dyeing Calypso Coral Shade

17 1744 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
52-310 Bikiactive Yellow K3RS 0.1944 0.98 G. Salt 35
Syno Red HF3B 0.7875 Soda Ash 18
Syno Blue KBR 0.00008

Dyeing Raspberry Shade

18 1754 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
53-306 Avitera Br. Scarlet SE 0.54 2.12 G. Salt 50
Avitera Red SE 1.581 Soda Ash 5
Avitera Blue SE 0.00072 Caustic 1.5

Dyeing Pink Nectar Shade

14 2305 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
54-207 Levafix Yellow CA 0.0309 0.12 G. Salt 10
Levafix Red CA-N 0.0802 Soda Ash 6
Levafix Blue CA 0.01012

Dyeing Coral Blush Shade

14 1909 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
54-209 Levafix Yellow CA 0.0266 0.07 G. Salt 10
Levafix Red CA-N 0.04 Soda Ash 6
Levafix Blue CA 0.0036

Dyeing Cherry Blossom Shade

13 3207 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
54-216 Leva Yellow CA 0.0033 0.0175 G. Salt 10
Leva Red CA-N 0.0134 Soda Ash 6
Leva Blue CA 0.0008

Dyeing Pink Lemonade Shade

16 1735 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
55-307 Bikiactive Yellow K3RS 0.058 0.6 G. Salt 25
Syno Red HF3B 0.5432 Soda Ash 15
Syno Blue KBR 0.000239

Dyeing Lilac Sachet Shade

14 2710 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
57-205 Levafix Yellow CA 0.006 0.08 G. Salt 10
Levafix Red CA-N 0.07 Soda Ash 6
Levafix Blue CA 0.0036

Dyeing Orchid Haze Shade

16 2107 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
58-103 Levafix Yellow CA 0.075 0.37 G. Salt 15
Levafix Red CA-N 0.21 Soda Ash 8
Levafix Blue CA 0.085

Dyeing Magenta Purple Shade

19 2428 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
59-303 Avitera Yellow SE 0.1275 4.1155 G. Salt 80
Avitera Red SE 3.358 Soda Ash 5
Avitera Blue SE 0.63 Caustic 2

Dyeing Tulipwood Shade

18 1709 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
63-104 Avitera Yellow SE 0.4 1.82 G. Salt 35
Avitera Red SE 0.96 Soda Ash 18
Avitera Blue SE 0.46

Dyeing Iris Shade

14 3805 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
64-106 Levafix Yellow CA 0.0285 0.11 G. Salt 15
Levafix Red CA-N 0.0403 Soda Ash 8
Levafix Blue CA 0.04

Dyeing Astral Aura Shade

19 3830 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
73-205 Rema UL. Yellow RGB 0.014 4.014 G. Salt 80
Rema UL. Red RGB 1.2 Soda Ash 5
Rema UL. N/Blue RGB 2.8 Caustic 2

Dyeing Night Sky Shade

19 3924 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
73-210 Sunfix Yellow SS 1.65 6.25 G. Salt 90
Sunfix Red SS 1.1 Soda Ash 5
Sunfix Navy SS 3.5 Caustic 2

Dyeing Evening Blue Shade

19 3815 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
73-211 Sunfix Yellow SS 0.62 5.02 G. Salt 90
Sunfix Red SS 1.3 Soda Ash 5
Sunfix Navy SS 3.1 Caustic 3

Dyeing Black Iris Shade

19 3921 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
73-215 Sunfix Yellow SS 0.52 3.61 G. Salt 70
Sunfix Red SS 0.64 Soda Ash 5
Sunfix Navy SS 2.45 Caustic 3

Dyeing Sky Captain Shade

19 3922 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
73-216 Rema UL. Yellow RGB 1.15 6.49 G. Salt 90
Rema UL. Red RGB 1.04 Soda Ash 5
Sunfix Navy MFD 4.3 Caustic 2

Dyeing Skyway Shade

14 4112 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
74-105 Leva Yellow CA 0.007 0.0814 G. Salt 10
Leva Red CA-N 0.0074 Soda Ash 6
Leva Blue CA 0.067

Dyeing Blue Bonnet Shade

17 3936 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
75-206 Leva Yellow CA 0.023 0.505 G. Salt 25
Leva Red CA-N 0.062 Soda Ash 15
Leva Blue CA 0.42

Dyeing Provence Shade

16 4032 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
75-214 Bez. Yellow HPNP 0.007 0.5345 G. Salt 15
Bez. Red HP3B 0.0075 Soda Ash 8
Syno Bri. Blue RSPL 0.52

Dyeing Medieval Blue Shade

19 3933 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
76-205 Leva Yellow CA 0.03 3.73 G. Salt 70
Sunfix Red SS 0.6 Soda Ash 5
Sunfix Navy SS 3.1 Caustic 3

Dyeing True Navy Shade

19 4030 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
76-214 Biki Yellow K3RS 0.3 2.55 G. Salt 55
Biki Red K3BS 0.25 Soda Ash 5
Syno Bri. Blue RSPL 2 Caustic 1.5

Dyeing Dress Blue Shade

19 4024 TCX Color Mixing Recipe 1

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
76-217 Bez. Orange GO 0.25 3.45 G. Salt 70
Bez. Red GO 0.5 Soda Ash 5
Bez. Navy GO 2.7 Caustic 2

Dyeing Dark Denim Shade

19 4118 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
79-203 Rema Ult. Yellow RGB 0.1152 2.28 G. Salt 50
Rema Ult. Red RGB 0.2208 Soda Ash 5
Rema Ult. N/Blue RGB 1.9475 Caustic 1.5

Dyeing Stellar Shade

18 4026 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
79-209 Levafix Yellow CA 0.0162 0.91 G. Salt 35
Levafix Red CA-N 0.0073 Soda Ash 18
Rema Ult. N/Blue RGB 0.882

Dyeing Ocean Depths Shade

19 4535 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
86-301 Syno Yellow HF4GL 0.21 3.86 G. Salt 40
Syno Blue KBR 1.512 Soda Ash 15
Biki Turq HFG 2.14

Dyeing Canal Blue Shade

14 4810 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
87-104 Bez. Yellow V5GL 0.043 0.153 G. Salt 10
Leva Blue CA 0.074 Soda Ash 6
Bez. Turq HA 0.036

Dyeing Aqua Sky Shade

14 4811 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
87-206 Syno Yellow HF4GL 0.02375 0.17 G. Salt 10
Syno Blue KBR 0.0525 Soda Ash 6
Biki Turq HFG 0.09095

Dyeing Blue Surf Shade

16 5106 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
88-108 Levafix Yellow CA 0.084 0.26 G. Salt 15
Levafix Red CA-N 0.0028 Soda Ash 8
Levafix Blue CA 0.17

Dyeing Teal Green Shade

19 4922 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
89-216 Syno Yellow HF4GL 0.624 3.63 G. Salt 40
Syno Blue KBR 1.88 Soda Ash 15
Biki Turq HFG 1.125

Dyeing Scarab Shade

19 5350 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
93-125 Rema UL. Yellow RGB 2.55 7.64 G. Salt 90
Rema UL. Red RGB 0.564 Soda Ash 5
Rema UL. N/Blue RGB 4.524 Caustic 2

Dyeing Pine Grove Shade

19 5406 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
93-126 Sunfix Yellow SS 3.384 7.38 G. Salt 55
Sunfix N/Blue SS 3.6 Soda Ash 15
Biki Turq HFG 0.4

Dyeing Celadon Shade

13 6108 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
94-116 Syno Yellow HF4GL 0.043 0.0864 G. Salt 10
Leva Red CA-N 0.0054 Soda Ash 6
Leva Blue CA 0.038

Dyeing Aqua Foam Shade

14 5707 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
94-123 Biki Yellow K3RS 0.052 0.1206 G. Salt 10
Syno Bri. Blue RSPL 0.055 Soda Ash 6
Bez. Turq HA 0.0136

Dyeing Grayed Jade Shade

14 6011 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
94-206 Syno Yellow HF4GL 0.063 0.148 G. Salt 15
Syno Blue KBR 0.085 Soda Ash 8

Dyeing Seagrass Shade

16 6008 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
95-110 Levafix Yellow CA 0.16 0.3665 G. Salt 15
Levafix Red CA-N 0.0465 Soda Ash 8
Levafix Blue CA 0.16

Dyeing Granite Green Shade

16 5907 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
95-111 Levafix Yellow CA 0.13 0.31 G. Salt 15
Levafix Red CA-N 0.000352 Soda Ash 8
Levafix Blue CA 0.18

Dyeing Mint Green Shade

17 6333 TCX Mint GreenColor Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
95-217 Bikiactive Yellow K3RS 1.197 2.5471 G. Salt 35
Syno Blue KBR 0.2266 Soda Ash 15
Biki Turq HFG 1.1235

Dyeing Seacrest Shade

13 0111 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
97-120 Syno Yellow HF4GL 0.0396 0.07 G. Salt 10
Bikiactive Red K3BS 0.00186 Soda Ash 6
Syno Blue KBR 0.028

Dyeing Basil Shade

16 6216 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
98-104 Levafix Yellow CA 0.223 0.412 G. Salt 15
Levafix Red CA-N 0.003 Soda Ash 8
Levafix Blue CA 0.186

Dyeing Greenery Shade

15 0343 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
98-312 Syno Yellow HF4GL 0.54 1.14 G. Salt 25
Bikiactive Yellow K3RS 0.38 Soda Ash 15
Biki Turq HFG 0.2204

Dyeing Treetop Shade

18 0135 TCX Color Mixing Recipe

Proportion of Required Dyes

H&M Code Combination Recipe (%) Depth (%) Auxiliaries Amount
99-304 Biki Yellow K3RS 2.7 4.57 G. Salt 55
Rema UL. N/Blue RGB 0.33 Soda Ash 15
Biki Turq HFG 1.54

We hope, with the above dye colour mixing chart, you'll be able to dye your favorite apparel in the exact shade you want. Oh! You can pick the best fabric dye for cotton from our previous post.

1. pburch

Anik Yusuf

Anik Yusuf

Founder & Author

I'm Anik. I have a Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering, which means I know everything there is to know about making clothes. (Kidding!)

I worked as a full-time engineer at a composite knit factory for a while before quitting to start my own website,


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